Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flown the Coop

Know what this is? It's an empty (utterly disgusting) air conditioner. That's what this is. I went to bed on May 10th and Little was still curled against my window, I got up May 11th and there were no pigeons to be found (including splattered on the ground below... which I checked for).

They're still coming back and forth to hang out, but they have, ostensibly, fledged. Every now and then one of them will be hanging out, and an adult I've never seen before will fly in and attempt to mate with them. Sigh. Kids today... what happened to the days when a BabyPigeon could play with PigeonLegos and PigeonTonkaTrucks for a few years before sexual maturity...

In case you're wondering, I am having the A/C removed on Thursday, and a new one put in which I will guard with my life. And by my life, I mean my fist pounding on the window whenever a pigeon lands.

So, folks. This seems to be the end of our Baby Pigeon journey. Thanks for caring as much as I do.  If I see them again I'll say my goodbyes for you. And next time a filthy winged rat swoops too close to your open mouth, just think... that could be one of Lynne's...


  1. So poignant. My only regret is that you did not get their fledgling flight footage, which would of course, have been scored with Born Free or Whitney Houston's cover of I Will Always Love You. Seriously though, well done documentation and a pleasure to have read.

  2. Ha! Thanks - yeah I wish I had managed to get that, too, but that would have required mind-blowing luck or the construction of a full on blind and a couple sleepless nights. I do love a good pillow-fort, though. I could have been convinced.
