Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family Photo -or- Crazy Pigeon Lady

I took this on Sunday, immediately after finally getting the clear shot of the two eggs; I think it makes me look sufficiently insane. Here are all five current residents of my home: me, ParentPigeon One, ParentPigeon Two and, only vaguely seen, Egg1 and Egg2.

If you look really closely, you'll notice a small white-ish tube in my hand. I was so excited when I heard ParentPigeon Two land, knowing the changing of the guard was about to happen, that I ran to grab my phone and make my way to the air conditioner mid-makeup-application. That, my friends, is dedication... and mild insanity. Not even clear-mascara-ing my eyebrows was more important than getting a shot of those damn eggs.

There's just something about having little non-human creatures around, watching them grow and change, seeing them go about their real tasks of survival...

You might respond, "Get a cat/life."

Agreed. But it's the fact that they're pigeons that gets me, I think. Usually we only get to see them do a few things: fly too close to our faces, peck at nasty sidewalk refuse, and occasionally dance around in circles trying to mate. But here, I (we) get to see real pigeon-ness in action.

Or maybe I've just become the crazy pigeon lady.


  1. Exactly, Lynne. Your dedication to documenting an elusive moment at the expense of your own cosmetic symmetry evidences you have the makings of a true naturalist. You're not even a crazy pigeon lady if you build a branch blind inside your apartment. You ARE, however, a crazy pigeon lady if you start bringing the squabs in and rearing them.

  2. It truly is amazing to get a glimpse of full-on animal behavior in this city of dogs on leashes, bulbs in tree pits and The Great Lawn. And that your AC is to them just a seen as a perfect nesting surface? So cool. I mean who knew those flying rats even built nests? Let alone mated for life? They look so freakin dumb when you see them in the park.

    And your AC IS a brilliant spot. What human or cat could get up there? Other than roll-off, so low risk.

    1. Oh and believe me, there were a few times I thought BPv.1 was going to roll his little nonflying butt right off the side, but he always managed to stay in his 3ft by 2ft domain, or however big my AC is.
