Thursday, March 29, 2012


I had a hot second yesterday when both Mom and Dad were gone to get this direct shot of the two eggs. I have to say, the more pictures I take, the more embarrassed I am by the extreme filth level of my window, but, unfortunately, it's all on the outside where I can't clean.

So, relatedly, in case you're wondering, those spots on the eggs are not spots on the eggs. They're on the window. The pigeon eggs are perfect, smooth, white, oblong marbles.

I had a moment yesterday where I realized this interest may have jumped-the-shark... or pigeon, as the case may be. I was in the middle of a perfectly lovely conversation with someone I'd only recently met (so they weren't even prepared, yet, for my idiosyncrasies...) and completely lost my train of thought, as I caught a glimpse of two pigeons engaged in a food-offering ritual (where the male regurgitates food for the female in an attempt to get-it-on... I know - sexy).

They say one of the indicators of addiction is the subject effecting your ability to function in daily life...they also say realizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Anyone care to sponsor me...?