Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Renewal

A few months ago, the cooing, scraping, peeping and wing flapping sounds of partner pigeons began to wake me in the morning again. Having the entertainment of BabyPigeon in the back of my mind, I didn't have the heart this time around to whack my window and send the happy couple flying for their lives.

And, frankly, between you and me... pigeon couples are really sweet together. And, fine, let's pause here and admit, yes... yes, I'm the crazy lady who's spent spent more than her fair share of time watching pigeon courting behavior and yes, my life is a little void of human courting behavior, but these pigeons have far more civil relations than some of the people-couples I know. They spend hours grooming one another, they sleep cuddled in plump little two-somes, they generally mate for life, and the male gives a food offering whenever he wants to get down to business - he DOES buy her dinner first!

So, not surprisingly, my tolerance with their presence has resulted in a brand new nest, which I found yesterday afternoon upon returning from a weekend trip. Graciously, she has built up her new home just to the left of my air conditioner vent system, unlike last year when she built directly on top of it.

(By the way, if you're wondering, unlike dogs, pigeons do crap where they eat. They crap where they eat, they crap where their baby is, they crap pretty much anywhere crapping might fancy them.)

I have yet to get a picture of the egg, but it's there, I saw it this morning, so as long as we don't have any colossal wind storm, or some neighbor cat manages to scale the air shaft I give you...



  1. Live pigeon cam where are you?

  2. ha! I'm not sure I quite have the resources. And, frankly, pigeons don't do a whole lot during the day. Time lapse would be fun, though, because she shifts every few minutes, basically in a circle. It'd be like watching a pigeon clock.
