So, after a long transmission-silence I was all prepared to do a post about how we're in PigeonLimbo right now, waiting for metamorphosis from egg to breathing creature, not much goin' on. And then I was going to write something melodramatic about how I feel like I'm in the same boat right now, in a slumped holding pattern, waiting for something. But then! The changing of the guard happened and look! Ok, the picture's terrible. But I think you can at least see the clearly cracked egg on the left, and the tiny yellow fluff in the middle, BP2.0#1! I'm very curious to see if the second egg hatches this year. From the look Mom/Dad gave me when I was racing around with my camera phone, my presence isn't necessarily helping BP2.0#2's process...
Here's hoping I'll make my way out of my egg as well. Happy Easter/Passover/Vernal Equinox, BabyPigeon(s)!
Now do something cute.
Did you see fluffball move? Will there be an online contest for the name?
ReplyDeleteI did! I saw it lift its little head before Mom/Dad made a b-line to cover it up. When I saw the 2 today (post to come tomorrow!) I'm pretty sure I saw two little wiggling beaks.
DeleteI'm certainly open to naming suggestions!