Sunday, April 15, 2012


As I sit here typing from my couch, every few seconds I see a tiny head pop up above the line of the window, sometimes two. My two little guys (girls?) are doing great. One is bigger than the other - I'm assuming the one who was born first - so I have very originally named them Little and Big. Both Little and Big have grown so much, it seems, they can keep themselves warm enough, long enough for Mom and Dad to fly the coup - so to speak - for hefty periods of time. Thusly, I took this shot yesterday.

It's hard to see any definition between the two, as their spiny, pin-feather fluff blends together, but you can see one beak at the top of the nest - Little - and then where that piece of hay is just below him is covering Big's beak.

Where their heads keep bopping up and down, I've decided they're having a little discussion, perhaps a sibling spat.

Big seems to be more responsive - poking its head up whenever I turn lights on or off, noticing when I walk up to the window. Little is the introspective type - where Big attacks Mom and Dad for food, Little hangs back a bit, waiting its turn.

What they have in common is a lot of sleeping, and a lot of very rapid breathing.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I also do lot of sleeping and a lot of very rapid breathing! Hope that Big and Little are still in the nest. I'm sure they'll be fledglings before you know it.
